Lakeland Leisure Walks publish a series of walks around the Coniston area
The Lake Shore
This is one of Lakelands's classic walks. Experience the true beauty of natural scenery, as you follow the paths along this delightful section of Coniston Water. 3hr
Lower Slopes of the "Old Man"
A fabulous walk of contrasts with stunning views of high, rocky outcrops and tumbling becks, which over-look the peaceful villiage of Coniston and it's serene lake. 2hr
Yewdale Valley and Tarn Hows
A glorious walk through the very picturesque Yewdale Valley then up by the side of the waterfalls to reach Tarn Hows - The jewel in Lakeland's crown. 3hr
Brantwood and The Lake Shore
The 3rd largest lake, an historic mansion, pleasant footpaths, tumbling steams. lush meadows, splended woodlands and picturesque mountain as a backdrop. 3hr
Tarn Hows
A walk of timeless tranquility, through the scenic beauty of Yewdale, culminating in the superb splendour of Tarn Hows and Tom Gill waterfalls. 2 - 2.5hr
5 Easy to Follow Coniston Launch Lakeshore Walks pack 1 £2.50
Monk Coniston
A very easy walk that offers one of the most fabulous lake and mountain scenes in the whole of the Lake District 1.5rs
Torver Common
An exhilarating walk betweeen the 'Old Man of Coniston', with it's fabulous mountain scenery, and the sublime beauty of Coniston Water 2.5hr
Beacon Tarn
An outstanding walk which meanders up to the very enchanting tarn, then descends with the most stunning views of the Coniston Fells. 3hr
The Shoreline
This classic walk along the side of Coniston Water is for all those people who appreciate easy going underfoot, coupled with varied and unfogettable scenery. Various time estimations.
Water Park to Brantwood
A highly enjoyable walk, which initially ascends through woodlands, then across open fell. 4hr
Coniston Old Man
Route from "Halls Newsagents & Gift Shop" Various time estimations.
Coniston Old Man easy to follow Mountain Routes £1.95
5 Easy to Follow Walks Coniston pack 1 £2.25